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Our Impact

Our unrivalled, measured approach tracking the development of our participants in Inclusive learning environments enables us to maximise enjoyment and development for all. 

Evidence we have collated over a period of time through stakeholder feedback has enabled us to identify key areas that we have benefit our participant’s lives.

Fun at Inclusive Sports!

Hours of Holiday 
activity sessions

Hours of term time
activity delivered

Hours of PA service 
activity delivered

"He came out in the best mood I've seen him in for well over six months. He actually said "This has been the best day of my whole life!" Thank you as a parent this is all I ever want for my son, to be happy and today he has been like a different child." 

-Parent of a participant

Increased awareness of physical activity 

Positive Emotional Wellbeing

Improved confidence & Wellbeing

Sense of Belonging Enhanced

Transferrable Skills Gained

Developing Friendships

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